With Our Premium Asthma Care Products

Asthma Triggers and Symptoms

Did you know that you can be diagnosed with asthma later in life? Late-onset as thma or adult-onset asthma is asthma that develops as an adult, usually in those over the age of 20. In many cases, patients with adult-onset asthma experience the condition as a child. Their symptoms may have disappeared during their teenage years, but some individuals find their asthma returns in adulthood. If you’re one of them, we’re here to help you know what may trigger your asthma and how to prevent it.

Hay Fever

Hay Fever is an allergic reaction to pollen or other
airborne allergens. When hay fever symptoms are
present, they can trigger an asthma attack.
In some cases, hay fever may be the only symptom of asthma.

Tobacco Smoke

Tobacco or cigarette smoke is unhealthy for
everyone, especially people with asthma. Asthmatic children who are around
secondhand smoke have more frequent asthma attacks, commonly wheezing and coughing.

Dust Mites

All year-round, dust mites are the most common trigger for people with asthma. These microscopic creatures that you can find living in dust produce allergens that may trigger a runny nose, persistent sneezing, cough, congestion, or even a severe asthma attack.

Outdoor Air Pollution

Neighbourhoods in bushfire-prone areas or near a main road can harm asthmatics. The mix of harmful gases from cars and wildfire smoke from bushfires are common asthma triggers in Australia. Breathing in air pollution may swell up and tighten airways causing chest discomfort.


Your pets can trigger asthma symptoms because of the proteins found in their skin flakes (dander), saliva, or urine. Some patients may experience symptoms after a few minutes or not until several hours later. It may start with a watery nose and eyes, itchiness, and sneezing.


Mould is present indoors in damp places such as carpets,
 wallpaper, and water-damaged ceilings.
Inhaling mould spores can reduce lung functionand trigger asthma symptoms, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

Cleaning Products

Several cleaning and disinfectant products may contain chemicals that may trigger
 asthma symptoms. Watch out for mixing disinfectant products or using bleach when cleaning. Products with fragrances that may linger after use may also cause symptoms. 

Physical Exercise

Difficulty breathing is one of the asthma symptoms that you may experience during or after exercise. A hard exercise increases airway inflammation and may produce excess mucus, causing shortness of breath, or chest pain that may last for an hour or longer if untreated.


Peak Flow Meter
Peak Flow Meter

Peak Flow Meter

e-chamber | La Petite
e-chamber | La Petite
e-chamber | La Petite
e-chamber | La Petite

e-chamber | La Petite

La Grande Spacer
La Grande Spacer

La Grande Spacer

e-chamber | La Petite with Child Mask
e-chamber | La Petite with Child Mask
e-chamber | La Petite with Child Mask
e-chamber | La Petite with Child Mask

e-chamber | La Petite with Child Mask

e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro

e-chamber Portable Nebuliser Pro
