Caring For Your CPAP Machine

People who suffer from respiratory disorders — like sleep apnoea or other lung problems — need to use positive airway pressure therapy to keep their airways open. Respiratory disorders can affect the airflow and the amount of air that enters and exits your lungs. That’s why using this therapy can help.

Some therapy uses CPAP devices or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure to help keep their airways open so that patients who suffer from such conditions can breathe normally. Breathing assistance devices are also a help, but they do have different functions. The device you use for any respiratory disorder highly depends on what condition you are being treated for. For people who suffer from sleep apnoea, CPAP machines are generally recommended.

Now, if you use CPAP machines or have a loved one that does, it’s very important to keep the device clean all the time. Here is a guide that can help you in learning proper hygiene and caring for your CPAP machine.

Why Is CPAP Cleaning Important?

Cleaning CPAP machines or devices is very important — especially since they are used for respiratory disorders. Dust and other debris can accumulate inside and outside your CPAP machine without you even knowing it. So, to avoid further problems with your respiratory system and bacteria getting into the lungs, it’s always vital to learn how to clean your CPAP machine the right way.

Cleaning CPAP Machine: Tips

Your CPAP machine has different parts and each part follows different procedures to properly clean them. Some parts need a CPAP machine cleaner so you can thoroughly clean them while others do not.

Here are some tips to help your CPAP cleaning machine journey.

Masks, Straps, and Tubing

Your masks, straps, and tubing are the most used part of your CPAP machine. Not to mention that you always have to have direct contact with them to be able to use it. That’s why we highly recommend cleaning your masks, straps and tubes once or twice per week. This does not only help with hygiene but it also extends the lifetime of your equipment.

Before cleaning these parts, make sure that each component is separated from the other including the tubing being disconnected from the main machine and the humidifier. To start with the cleaning process, use mild soapy water to rinse the parts. After that, let them dry naturally (direct sunlight can damage the plastic parts). You can hang the tubing to your rails to help all the water flow out of the tube (it is important that your tubing is free of any liquid before attaching it back to the machine).


If you’re using a humidifier, it’s important to change the water DAILY. This does not only help with hygiene but it also helps you receive fresher air. Once you wake up, make sure to empty the chamber of your humidifier and rinse it with clean water. Then, leave it empty the whole day and make sure to let it dry naturally.

If you’re going to use it in the evening, make sure to fill it up with water (Distilled water is always the best choice).


The filters in your CPAP machine are also an important part that you should check regularly since dust and debris can accumulate on them. Most filters can be washed directly with water. But if you’re not sure about rinsing, you can use a damp cloth to remove the dirt from the surface of your filters. These should be replaced every 6 months.


The pumps or machines are usually durable and long-lasting. Most machines can last over five years without experiencing any problem at all. To care for your CPAP machine, you can check the manufacturer’s recommendations to learn how to maintain them. Some manufacturers will suggest a routine check with your machine after using it for over 5 years.

 Cleaning your CPAP machine is very important. This does not only help extend the life of your CPAP machine but it also helps you receive better treatment into an airway that is free of dust and possible bacteria. At Home Healthcare Online, we offer different devices you can use with your respiratory problems — including your CPAP machine. Visit our site for more product information like sleep therapy Australia, inhaler spacer Australia and asthma relief Australia.